Tuesday, November 8, 2011

WW: All I want for Christmas...

Monday, November 7, 2011

If you give a mouse Mom a bagel...

I've been trying to kill catch a mouse.
Little bastard guy keeps setting off the trap and getting away with the loot. 
Before setting the trap last night, I was hungry, so I stuck a bagel in the toaster (we'll blame the time change on this would-be midnight snack)
Then I got to work on setting the mouse trap...after all, I had the peanut butter out for my bagel anyway. 
So, I smeared the trap up, surprisingly got it to stay set on my first try (lots of practice last night...bastard...grumble), but I wanted it closer to the dishwasher, cuz I think my wittle fwiend is under there laughing at me hanging out. 
I was using a spoon to slide the set trap gently across the floor (I think I was holding my breath, even), when 


My bagel popped up.
And I peed my pants. 
The end.

Sunday, November 6, 2011



I can't believe how much toilet paper we go through. There are 6 pen!ses and ONE vajayjay in this house...and I'm always scraping the roll. What the sh.. Oh... riiiight.

I wrote 2 emails this past week having to apologize to 2 teachers for my oldest's disrespectful and disruptive chatter...which means, I should probably forward it to his 4 other teachers. But the detention he served, our "talk", taking his phone away and changing his FB password for 2 weeks should hopefully do the trick...how come "good parenting" never leaves me feeling good??

There's a mouse in the house. Fascinating, eh? The little (or...I'm beginning to think...not-so-little) effer set off the same trap last night and got away with the loot! Maybe he was watching that hamster spy movie with us last week.

I can't believe it's "the holiday season" already. Booooooooo. If you're looking for ideas for me, I like diamonds...and toilet paper.

By Fadra:  This was my 5 minute Stream of Consciousness Sunday post. It’s five minutes of your time and a brain dump. Want to try it? Here are the rules…
  • Set a timer and write for 5 minutes only.
  • Write an intro to the post if you want but don’t edit the post. No proofreading or spellchecking. This is writing in the raw.
  • Publish it somewhere. Anywhere. The back door to your blog if you want. But make it accessible.
  • Add the Stream of Consciousness Sunday badge to your post.
  • Link up your post here. .
  • Visit your fellow bloggers and show some love.


My 5 Angry Birds. The black and blue costumes I had to make...with a little TLC...and lots of hot glue!