I had my oldest son when I was 19. Boy, did I think I knew everything. Luckily for
When they were both in preschool, we decided it was time to try for a girl...and out came boy #3. Knowing that we wanted him to grow with a sibling
My oldest is now 12 (July 13, 2013), the youngest two will be 6 on July 20. Life is messy, loud, and fun...and may I add: passing WAY too quickly?! Are we done yet? I'm not sure. My husband says yes, because he's looking forward to the "easy days"...whatever those are. I think he just wants everyone in the house to wipe their own ass. Everyday, I inch a little closer to "Hell, YES, we're done! Now go get thee snipped, Husband!" but the truth is, I've never had that "done" feeling (although I do remember a pregnancy scare when the twinkies were only a year old and I felt a twinge of it then...so I think I'll know it when it comes around)
Some days are hard days. I have my moments when I question and/or doubt myself as a parent, but luckily, I have a great husband to pick up the