But first...
A 13hour drive with 5 boys age 9, 8, 4, 3 & 3 with stops planned at hour 6 and hour 10, adding another 3+ hours...not including the 5,234
Packing. Pfffffffft.
I've done none. Zip. Zilch. Zero...except the imaginary packing I see myself doing everyday...until I open my google reader...
And the laundry! Oh, the laundry! Definitely need to be climbing the peak of that mountain tonight...
Where are we going? Ohio. To visit my only sister, her husband, and my delicious baby nephew:
who sadly can no longer fit in a bowl, as he'll be turning ONE next week, on my son LukeyBaby's 8th birthday. So we're going to help them kid-proof their house celebrate.
At this moment, we'll be stopping at a RR museum and the Little League museum on the way out, taking in some Cleveland sites, exploring the area around Lake Erie, and will hit up Niagara Falls and the New York State Musuem before invading visiting my Dad in Boston.
ALSO...at this moment...my husband has to work and I'm flying solo.
*breathes deeply into a paper bag*
We're contemplating him flying out to join us for the return trip home from Niagara Falls on, but wondering if it's all worth spending the $$ vs. staying home and making some...idk.
And do you know how many bills I'm avoiding paying so we can go on this trip? much school shopping I've done...just as much laundry as I've done. 0. Not that they need a lot besides shoes, but all five of them should *knocks on wood* be going to school this fall (I'll get my notification letter about the Twinkies admittance when we return).
I know, I know...quit'yer bitchin' and go do some laundry, woman!
Alright, I'm going. Simmer down.
you are a brave, brave lady making that trek solo. I'm totally impressed. But I'm basically impressed at how the hell you manage maintaining your sanity with five boys. I only have three and I'm hanging by a thread. Good luck on your trip, and have a great time! Safe travels!
Good luck! You're gonna need a HUGE paper bag! Safe travels!
I have recently discovered your blog and cannot get enough of your posts! You make me laugh :)
I have an award for you on my blog.
I have no idea how you do that kinda trip on your own. You go girl!
Oh geez! I don't envy you this trip! We just returned from a 3 day trip to the beach only an hour and a half away. I couldn't stay awake in the movie theater the next night. AND IT WAS OUR FIRST NIGHT OUT IN WEEKS!
I hope it went well and you didn't spill any bottled pee!
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