It all started about 3 weeks ago. I'd run to town for a quick grocery trip and grab a jug of laundry detergent. I would
When I finally got a chance to do some laundry, the jug was almost empty. What the...? Didn't I just buy that
Husband is usually good about doing
Fastforward another day or two and I grabbed another jug at the store.
Where the flip is all the laundry detergent going?! I asked the inhabitants of my house.
No answer.
I again bought laundry detergent at the store and this time...just to help prove my sanity...I asked my husband for "help" bringing in the groceries. He set the jug on the washer.
The next morning I get up and go to start a load of laundry. Empty.
So I dial my husband. "Husband, I'm going to ask you something and I want you to really...think...about...the answer...before you give it to me...Did I or did I not just buy a gawd dayum jug of laundry detergent?!"
Husband, point 2 seconds later: "Uhhhhh, I don't know, did you?"
I campaigned for my sanity for a day or two (I even used the sitter as a
Until yesterday.
Husband started doing some after-dinner dishes, so I decided to conquer a laundry mountain or two. I donned my ipod and tuned the
Soon, the kids were running amok and I was dodging icy stares from
But someone was missing.
*slam* goes the washing machine lid.
"Grady, what are you doing?!"
3 yr old: "Ummmmmm, nuffing." And he joined us in the living room.
Upon sending the kids in to brush teeth 15 or so minutes later, they screamed, "Bubbles!! woohoo, bubbles!"
What the........*crickets* Who the f is Bubbles?!
Well, let me tell you. Bubbles is the result of a 3 year old dumping numerous bottles of laundry detergent into the washing machine and once spin cycle occurs, bubbles every.single. toilet, sink, tub, shower, and drain in our house.
Mystery solved.
And the toilets took a little less elbow grease to clean this a.m. :)
Only the mom of a boy would experience this. So been there.
OMGoodness! And I thought my boys had done it all to me already. LOL
That's awesome!!! Not for you, of course, but for me, because it was awesomely funny to read, and I learned something, too!
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