In the interest of having some posts consistency around these parts, I'm participating in Mama M's
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And no, they weren't in a Subway commercial...
They turned 5 this summer!
(5, 5, 5 dollah foot looooooooooooooooooooong!)
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Ready? *Ahem*
1. If you could have been (could be) any profession you wanted (brains and $$$ no problem) what would it be?
I've been thinking a lot about this lately, with all the kiddos headed back to school full-time...maybe it's time for this momma to get back into the workforce. Atleast part-time. Anywho, what I enjoy most is greeting people and office work. So, an office position of some sort would be amazeballs. And on the practical side of things, it'd have to be either a night job or just during the school year, so as to not pay daycare (because helloooo, what would be the point in THAT!) which leaves me with the position of School Secretary. Home on weekends and vacation days/holidays. Perfect. Set that up for me, wouldya?
2. How often do you clean out your car?
Blech. Not often enough. I usually take the hint when they open the sliders of the fan and a bunch of shit falls out. Actually, I've been doing rather okay with it...emptying trash into the outside can on Friday mornings (trash day) and when I step on shit that just fell out when they opened the door when I get the urge. But, alas, *sigh* not nearly often enough.
3. Do you wish there was such a thing as fashion police or are you deeply relieved?
I would be okay with that...I've tried to make it a rule not to leave the house in sweatpants. But rules are meant to be broken, amIright!? Sooooo. Either way is fine. I'd probably just contest the ticket and fight it in court, which would lead to the ticket getting thrown out, cuz the FP wouldn't show up, cuz there are FAR too many people out there worse off than moi! lol My sister even said a few times, trying to be nice...I guess... *eyeroll* "She might be big, but atleast she dresses nice." Um. okay. Thanks. Or should I say, you're welcome? lol {Evil revenge: she later popped out 2 kids of her own mwahahahahahahahaha} {but she's doing great losing on Weight Watchers...and stress} {biotch.}
4. What's your go to food/drink/activity when stressed?
I partake in Retail Therapy. Actual therapy would probably be cheaper, though. :/
I partake in Retail Therapy. Actual therapy would probably be cheaper, though. :/
5. If you had twins, what would you name them?
Hey! I've got some of those!! They are Gavin & Grady. Our youngest. Here are some pics...
Newborn Twinkies! |
We're 2!! This pic makes me happy and sad! |
A recent adventure with their bros...notice the "croc pots" in the background? |
They turned 5 this summer!
(5, 5, 5 dollah foot looooooooooooooooooooong!)
Make a wish, twinkies! |
Making the best of a rainy baseball game. Have Mike&Ike's...will travel. |
Wanna know something COMPLETELY insane?!
I'd love to have another set of twins! Right now. And their names would be Charlie and Max, or maybe Duncan (family name) OR if they were girls: Andy and Charlie.
I know. ;)